Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MWSB-Feb 8-12: II Timothy

Our class on II Timothy was taught by Joe Jordan, the father of Adam Jordan, one of the staff here (Adam is the EMT, the one who bandaged up my head after I crashed into the dumpster--See my post "MWSB-A Tale of 9 Staples" [posted in January 2010] for the full story about that).

This class was a good one, most of what we talked about was the homework. Joe gave us handouts with several questions about each chapter. These questions required quite a bit of thinking to be able to answer then sufficiently.

Throughout the whole of the class, Joe stressed that this book wasn't one of gloom and doom, rather it was one of encouragement. Paul encouraged Timothy to stand up for the faith, despite all that was going on around him. A lot of what Timothy was encountering as a pastor is similar to what we encounter in the world today. Paul encouraged Timothy to stay strong and not waver in his faith, and we too should take and apply that encouragement to our own lives.

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